
How to Install Microsoft Office 2007 Without Cd Drive

Premium Member
Atlanta, GA

Premium Member

2016-Aug-15 5:32 am

Office 2007 install without cd drive

I am helping someone setup a new laptop that does not have a cd drive. They have a copy of Office Pro 2007 they want installed on it. I've scoured the internet and apparently it can be done. There is a MS download site that absolutely will not let us past the activation key page. The key is valid so not sure what's up with that. There are several people who use: » ··· ad-links

I can't find anything bad about the site, but am leary about downloading it from there. Everything I've read says they are the actual link to MS download servers. Anyone used this site for the download? Any other suggestions on how to install?

· actions · 2016-Aug-15 5:32 am ·

Pasadena, MD



2016-Aug-15 5:48 am

why not take CD to computer with CD and copy to USB drive and install from there.

· actions · 2016-Aug-15 5:48 am ·

Premium Member
Atlanta, GA


Premium Member

2016-Aug-15 5:50 am

Copy what to usb drive and then how to run it?

· actions · 2016-Aug-15 5:50 am ·



Premium Member

2016-Aug-15 5:57 am

Meant to post this in MS forum...asked mod to move it. Sorry.

· actions · 2016-Aug-15 5:57 am ·


GuruGuy to WeenieAlso

Premium Member

2016-Aug-15 5:57 am

to WeenieAlso

Is it as simple as this?

1. From a working computer, put in the Office CD. Create a new folder on your Desktop (or somewhere else you will find it easily) called "Office". Now go to My Computer and right-click on the optical drive which has the Office CD and choose "open". You will now see the contents of the Office CD. Ctrl-A to select everything, right-click/drag to the new Office folder you made. Choose "Copy".

2. When all the Office files are copied to the new Office folder, you're finished with the Office CD so can take it out. Now either copy the entire new Office folder you made to the netbook over the network or put it on a USB thumb drive.

3. If you used the thumb drive, take it to the netbook and copy the Office folder to the netbook's Desktop. Then go to the Office folder now on the netbook's Desktop and open it. Double-click setup.exe and it will run the Office installer.

· actions · 2016-Aug-15 5:57 am ·



Premium Member

2016-Aug-15 6:17 am

said by GuruGuy:

Is it as simple as this?

1. From a working computer, put in the Office CD. Create a new folder on your Desktop (or somewhere else you will find it easily) called "Office". Now go to My Computer and right-click on the optical drive which has the Office CD and choose "open". You will now see the contents of the Office CD. Ctrl-A to select everything, right-click/drag to the new Office folder you made. Choose "Copy".

2. When all the Office files are copied to the new Office folder, you're finished with the Office CD so can take it out. Now either copy the entire new Office folder you made to the netbook over the network or put it on a USB thumb drive.

3. If you used the thumb drive, take it to the netbook and copy the Office folder to the netbook's Desktop. Then go to the Office folder now on the netbook's Desktop and open it. Double-click setup.exe and it will run the Office installer.

Keeps bombing out. Gets to 96% copied and error's out on a file called ""

· actions · 2016-Aug-15 6:17 am ·

Premium Member


Premium Member

2016-Aug-15 8:06 am

I have never had an issue with files of office 2007 on a usb drive on Win 7, 8.1 or 10 copied off a CD.

If you have file corruption or get stuck then the CD image might be not copying correct.
This is where a tool that does image copying more than the old paste n copy might come in handy.
Do an image copy off the CD to a virtual drive on your computer then grab the files to usb.

A simple run of the setup.exe should make it work.
If it doesn't then there is corruption and you need to define where.
Listing the file as the issue, maybe your "proof.xml" file isn't correct or the MSI file is not working correctly.
There are only 3 files - the extracting file
Proof.msi - the installer
Proof.xml - the rules

The xml file should look something like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!--_SIG= [insert specific key off disk here] =--> <Package Id="Proof.en-us" Type="MSI" Path="Proof.MSI" Version="1.0" ProductCode="{7 numbers-4 numbers-4 numbers-4 numbers-12 numbers}"  Rem example of x86 code: MSIVersion="14.0.4763.1000" Platform="x86">  	<Feature Id="FindAllWordFormsFiles_1033" Cost="444027"> 		<OptionRef Id="FindAllWordFormsFiles_1033"/> 	</Feature> 	<Feature Id="Gimme_OnDemandData" Cost="0"> 		<OptionRef Id="Gimme_OnDemandData"/> 	</Feature> 	<Feature Id="SpellingAndGrammarFiles_1033" Cost="15628167"> 		<OptionRef Id="SpellingAndGrammarFiles_1033"/> 	</Feature> 	<Feature Id="ThesaurusFiles_1033" Cost="4592512"> 		<OptionRef Id="ThesaurusFiles_1033"/> 	</Feature> 	<Feature Id="MsoInstalledPackagesScopedIntl_1033" Cost="0"> 		<OptionRef Id="AlwaysInstalled"/> 	</Feature> 	<Feature Id="HyphenationFiles_1033" Cost="657288"> 		<OptionRef Id="HyphenationFiles_1033"/> 	</Feature> 	<Feature Id="OCR_1033" Cost="311852"> 		<OptionRef Id="OCR_1033"/> 	</Feature> 	<Feature Id="SetupControllerFiles" Cost="234"> 		<OptionRef Id="AlwaysInstalled"/> 	</Feature> 	<Feature Id="SetupXmlFiles" Cost="234"> 		<OptionRef Id="AlwaysInstalled"/> 	</Feature> </Package>                  

· actions · 2016-Aug-15 8:06 am ·

Pittsburgh, PA

praetoralpha to GuruGuy


2016-Aug-15 8:08 am

to GuruGuy

Do you have an external CD drive?

· actions · 2016-Aug-15 8:08 am ·

Premium Member
Atlanta, GA


Premium Member

2016-Aug-15 8:24 am


· actions · 2016-Aug-15 8:24 am ·

Charlottesville, VA

breakYOstuff to GuruGuy


2016-Aug-15 8:36 am

to GuruGuy

Try disabling your antivirus during the file copy. If your antivirus is trying to scan inside those cab files, it could bomb out.

· actions · 2016-Aug-15 8:36 am ·


breakYOstuff to GuruGuy


2016-Aug-15 9:00 am

to GuruGuy

And to answer your question, yes it should be as simple as this. Think of an office-type environment. The IT person doesn't want to drag around the CD/DVD to 50+ computers when doing an upgrade. He/she copies the files to a network location, and then installs from there.

· actions · 2016-Aug-15 9:00 am ·


Cronk to GuruGuy


2016-Aug-15 11:16 am

to GuruGuy

On the computer that has the cd drive, right click the drive and share it. Then on the new laptop, access that drive over the network and do the install.

· actions · 2016-Aug-15 11:16 am ·

How to Install Microsoft Office 2007 Without Cd Drive


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